Prairies, Saskatchewan

We continued our drive through flyover country, leaving Manitoba (which has been, hands-down, the least attractive province) and moved through the endless wheat fields of Sakatchewan, where the true flatlands begin.

The prairies have proven far more consistently captivating than I expected. Maybe it's just that I'm easily entertained, but I never got bored by the scenery, contrary to the forewarning of many. No doubt living there would be a different story, but the landscape was unique enough compared to the rest of the country to hold my interest throughout the drive.

The most notable event on this drive was when *someone* missed a turnoff to stay on the Trans-Canada Highway, and we had to travel a dirt road for about 25 minutes to get back on track.

The lack of traffic for as far as the eye could see did allow us to leave the vehicle for a spell.

Our destination that day was a free (and unbelievably well caretaken, considering) campground just off the highway. There were no signs to indicate what it was, no marking on Google Maps, and only our iOverlander app informed us of its presence. 

We had a lot of space to work with, and only a few neighbours that night.

The next morning, we saw one of the many trains running along the highway, presumably taking petroleum eastward.

It was a restful evening, and in the morning we drove on, westbound.
